Simple slide show for prototype & scriptaculous

A little slide show object for any of you that use prototype and scriptaculous.

Simple slide show for prototype & scriptaculous


Dave has recently been playing about with a little slideshow.js that we found on Tom Doyle's blog.

It's a great little script (thanks Tom) but I thought it could do with a litte upgrade to encapsulate it in an object so that it doesn't get interfered with.

Here's our version of much the same code: slideshow.js

It's very simple to use so I've dropped the documentation into the top of the script.  Basic synopsis is:

oMySlides = new iSlideShow({

slides : [




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Responses. (30)

  1. Extending it with panning..

    Do you think it will be possible to add a panning option to the slideshow?

    Like seen on this jQuery slideshow:

    and this Mootools slideshow

    As far as I know there are no public slideshows using the Prototype/Scriptaculous framework with such features.

  2. J M


    Pan & Zoom

    Hi Ralf,

    Sure - I'll take a look at this next week...

  3. IE 6, 7 support?

    Any chance you got this working in IE? I get this error message saying "Object doesn't support this method or property".

  4. J M


    @Jon; IE support

    Hi Jon,

    Could you check out Natural Boundaries (an example site, the big image on the front page) and let me know if that's behaving for you?

    Also what version of Scriptaculous and Prototype are you using?



  5. Figured out IE problem

    Hey Jim,

    I've figured it out. The problem was that I put this bit:

      oMySlides = new iSlideShow({

        slides : [








    at the the end of the document rather than in the head.



  6. Expand counter

    Thank you for this great work, it's very instructive.  I'm trying to modify for our usage and am almost there, but not quite...

    How would I go about expanding the counter to list the numbers, ie. 1 2 3 4 5 with hyperlinks to the corresponding images, and change of class for active state to indicate which slide is being shown? This would somehow involve swapping the current image for the one clicked on, right?  I can see how to do this with a "glider" where the images are only "hidden" off the page, but not via display:none.

    Any pointers appreciated.



  7. Problem with two intance

    Hi, thanks for this great Class.

    But i have a problem trying to create two intance of the class in the same page, they don't start animating. And on the other hand i have the previous and next button and when i click one of them returns an error that said  "termObraSlide is not defined"

    i'm creating my instance by calling a function, like these:

    var ultObraSlide = new iSlideShow({

    autostart : true,

    start : 0, /* optional (default:0) */

    wait : 10000, /* optional (default:4s) */

    slides : [




    counter : 'contador-slide',

    playButton : 'botonPlay'


    var termObraSlide = new iSlideShow({

    autostart : true,

    start : 0, /* optional (default:0) */

    wait : 10000, /* optional (default:4s) */

    slides : [





    counter : 'contador-slide-terminada',

    playButton : 'botonPlay-terminada'


    thanks in advance for your time and attention and sory about my english, it's not my native language


  8. SOLVED: Problem with two intance

    Hi again, sory about the las post... i've been trying for 4 hours, and the only problem was that i didn't specified a div with the id for the pauseButton, i feel like a real idiot.

    Sory for bother you


  9. J M


    Pause & Play Buttons

    I'm glad you've fixed your problem Agustin.  The new release should also fix your problem.  

    At the moment, if your play/pause button's aren't defined it doesn't work which I find kinda annoying so I've made it so they're no-longer required.

    All the best,


  10. Timerstart

    Hey, ver nice script from you, but i've a question:

    I want to start the first picture with a much less delay than the other ones;

    any suggestions, what i can do, to get fixed this problem ?

    thx for your answer.

  11. Javascript Error

    There seems to be a javascript error when this script is used, it doesn't show up as a popup but can be seen when viewing the console or in the error status bar in IE. It says "" is not a function.

    Has anyone else come across this?

  12. J M


    @ J R - Javascript Error

    Hi J.R.

    .bind() is part of the prototype javascript library... so if it's missing it looks like prototype is.

    Can I check that you are including prototype & scriptaculous ahead of trying to use the slideshow?   

    Hope this helps,


  13. bind error



    First off I would like to say great work on this, its just what I've been looking for.

    I'm having the same problem as J.R with regards to the play.bind error. I am certain however I've included the latest prototype and scriptaculous libraries. I did however yesterday upgrade to the newest 1.6.1RC2 prototype library, but I doubt there is any compatibility problems.

    Hope you can shed some light on this.



  14. Initiliaze loading.

    Hi, this script is really awesome but i've got some idea that would be very cool if it would be added like adding some initialization of slides to be loaded instead of the entire slides. By adding this method, it would help the page to load more faster if it has more slides.

    Again, thank you so much for the script.




  15. J M


    @ Initialize loading.

    Hi Shio,  great idea, thanks!

    I'll see if I can include that in my next set of updates.

    All the best,


  16. Example CSS?

    Can anyone give an example of suitable CSS and structure for this?

    I don't know how to get the images stay in the same spot all the time (tried position: absolute + others) and still work nicely in the surrounding block, e.g. centering.

  17. J J

    Jørgen is not a function

    Great script! However I have one problem. Using prototype and scriptaculous 1.8.2 I get the javascript error " is not a function" on line 79 in slideshow.js when:

    - run show (all OK)

    - click STOP (all OK)

    - click PLAY (error!)

    Happens both when autostart is on or off (the initial PLAY to start the show works OK when autoplay is off).

    STOP/PLAY seems to work OK when I try the original Tom Doyle script.

    Any ideas?

  18. J J

    Jørgen is not a function solved?

    I think I may have solved the is not a function error on line 79: replace = setInterval(,this.wait);


    this.playid = setInterval(,this.wait);

    and use this.playid instead of in all calls to clearInterval().

  19. J M


    Need of an upgrade

    Thanks @Jorgen - I'll look in to that. To be honest I think the whole script is in need of an upgrade. We use it a lot but my designer (@get_dave) is not alltogether happy with it... I'm going to try and find some time this Friday and next to fix it up a bit.

  20. J J


    Updated version

    OK, great! Here is an updated version I have made BTW:

    [24/01/10]: J. Johanson, fixed "" bug

    [27/01/10]: J. Johanson, added goTo method

    [27/01/10]: J. Johanson, added runrandom flag

    [02/02/10]: J. Johanson, fixed bug where image goes

    blank when goNext, goPrevious, goTo called during fade

  21. D S


    Upgrade on it's way

    Dear all,

    Thanks for you patience. I'm now looking into upgrading this SlideShow and a new version will appear soon.

    I've taken a note of all your comments and will include the best suggestions.


  22. D S

    David not a function SOLVED

    Hi all,

    Just to let you know the reason for the error with is not a function.

    Not sure of the context but you must have:;

    You must pass "this" as the first argument.

    My new improved slideshow is almost there and it's much improved. Will post here soon.

  23. S M



    Would it be possible for you to put up a simple demo on how this is setup? I had a look the link you posted ( and it looks awesome but Im really struggling to get it working i.e. what other files do I need to include (versions)? as the instructions in the js file dont say. Whats the correct way to call it?

    would be grateful for any help and thanks for your time

  24. c m


    text picture loosing synch


    I have a situation, extracting images from the database and updating a div is not a problem, however wen text also pulled from the database is also used to update another div the text and image loose synchrony for the until the images start rotating. What can i do to stop that behaviour?

  25. M B


    additional instructions?

    Hi, your demo on the fence site looks really great, but I'm having a lot of trouble getting my own up and running. The source for your demo seems to have significantly more css and javascript in the code than what you say is required.

    Are there any more tricks? Do you have a simpler demo?

  26. w u


    can i add button navigation?

    I've found a million examples of jquery slideshows with button navigation (to advance to the next image or whatever) but cannot find a single example on the interwebs.

    Can it be done? What's going on here?

  27. N L



    I implemented JJ's fixed version with navigation and it works ok.. But it has a few bugs when clicken on the navigation, things start to fall apart (some div's are blank, transition is stopped in the middle, ending in semi-transparent divs are rendered etc.. )

    Any chance this "new and improved" version is going to be published here anytime soon?

  28. J J



    Here is a working example with the described fixes by the way, has been working OK for many months now (start/stop, previous and next navigation just below the image). Note that the slideshow is pulled in with an iframe:

  29. e m


    First Slideshow image

    In answer to the question: "I want to start the first picture with a much less delay than the other ones;"

    The script already has that built in -- kinda. If you hid ALL your images at the beginning, you would see this issue. SO just hide all your images EXCEPT your first one. Simple. The script will automatically hide it when it's time to swap the first image out. At which point, the slideshow will proceed as normal.


  30. R F



    never figured out how to make captions work - any tips ?
