Browser support for HTML5 & CSS with Modernizr 1.5

We proud to announce the relaunch of the Web Designers HTML5 & CSS3 browser support checklist, now using Modernizr 1.5 for even more tests and improved accuracy.

Browser support for HTML5 & CSS with Modernizr 1.5


It's been a couple of weeks now since Modernizr 1.5 was released and we've been inundated with requests to update our Litmus test page which shows browser "support" for CSS3 and the HTML5 family of technologies.

Well now it's finally here and we're pleased to re-launch the Web Designers Browser Support Checklist with tests for:

  • HTML5 Web Applications
  • HTML5 Embedded Content
  • HTML5 Audio & Video
  • HTML5 Web Forms & Attributes
  • CSS3 Properties
  • CSS3 Selectors

New tests for SVG, Web Sockets and much more

Thanks to the guys over at Modernizr, we can now provide test results for a wide variety of new features including the long awaited SVG tests (I'm sure Bruce Lawson will be happy at that!).

The full list includes:

  • SVG (including SVG Clipping Paths and SMIL)
  • Web SQL Database
  • IndexedDB
  • Web Sockets
  • hashchange event
  • History and Session Management
  • HTML5 Drag and Drop
  • Cross-document Messaging

Even Better Accuracy

Know how important it is that our results are accurate and so we're really pleased that the Modernizr library we rely on to produce our results is becoming increasingly bug free.

The issues with Font Face in WebKit have now gone and we're now seeing more accurate results for basic CSS3 properties such as border-radius which is fantastic.

On top of this our developers have spent a lot of time rewriting the site code in an attempt to reduce the likelihood of false results being returned from our end so hopefully our results should be more accurate than ever.

What we don't offer

We'd like to make it clear that the results we provide as only a summary of browser support for HTML5 and CSS3. We strongly recommend you test you code fully to ensure that you get the expected results.

We also don't test for every last feature or browser idiosyncrasy. Beware! Browser manufacturers implement the spec in different and occasionally buggy ways. Again, we strongly recommend testing - there really is no substitute.

Provide us with feedback....please!

We really need your help to make FindMeByIP 100% accurate. If you notice a bug just let us know. You can reach us either by:

  • Commenting on this post (preferred)
  • Twitter - @deepbluetweets

Just let us know the error, where it's appearing and which browser and we'll make a temporary fix immediately.

Then as soon as we have a spare moment on Friday our developers will fix the root cause to avoid the issue creeping back in.

We really hope you find these tables useful.

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Write a comment.

Responses. (49)

  1. J A



    Thanks for this really useful information

  2. M K


    Opera 10.60

    Opera 10.60 supports Hashchange Event

  3. C H


    IP-Location should be better

    Hi, using only one Geo-IP-Location Provider for non-mobile browsers is in-accurate. Take a look on - I have combined up to five sources to find a better position and offering as an free javascript API.

  4. J M


    @Christian - IP Location

    Thanks Christian, that looks really interesting.

    MaxMind's database is sometimes a little inaccurate but it's the best we've found.

    Google's for example often doesn't really work for us here in the UK in my experience.

    To give you an example your script appears to put us about a city away whereas MaxMind is about 100 feet off...

    Thanks for the link though - I'll take a closer look on Friday!

  5. C H


    inaccurate location data

    I generate the center of location data from the different providers. maxmind, google and IPinfodb have a difference of 120-190 km from the center - but google offers only half the count a result! But the IP-location results are inaccurate by definition ...

    Scroll down in my other article about this documented experiment:

  6. J D



    Very useful tool.

    But it would be perfect if we can grab plugin information (Flash) and screen resolution

    Thanks a lot.

  7. R Z


    Small suggestions

    This is a great resource, thanks for putting it together!

    By the way, instead of "Web Sockets" it should say "WebSocket" as that's the name of the standard.

    Also, is it possible to get a named anchor for each feature? Then you can direct people to a specific point on the page.

  8. J H


    Show us the selector in the summary

    It would be great if this page could show us the selector, I have to think too much when it says "CSS3: Begins with".

    It would be best if it was outputed directly if you can find a place where it's not cluttering the design. So maybe in a responsive (no animation delay) tooltip.

  9. N V


    Logged-in Session not carrying over

    Just an FYI, when logged in, the "What's my IP?" session doesn't carry over to the "Web Design" section. The "Web Design" section appears logged off every time.

  10. J M


    @Nicholas / Static Pages

    Hi Nicholas,

    You're absolutely right - is it annoying?

    The reason is simply that the /litmus page is a static html page... am influential tweet can cause so much traffic we thought it safest to do that! ;-) ... it's like self-inflicted ddos! ;-)

    If it does annoy you I'm sure we could change it though?


  11. A M



    Ogg is only a container not a codec. So you should write ogg/vorbis. There are other audiocodecs used with ogg, for example Speex.

    And in the video tab you should use ogg/theora. Once again there are other codecs like dirac.

  12. A G


    HTML javascript APIs?

    Will you be adding tests for the File API, and maybe XMLHttpRequest 2? I would love to know when those are supported!

    Great work!

  13. D S


    Two different sets of results for Chrome based on url

    I used Chrome 9.0 on Windows. Here is how to reproduce the issue:

    Hit the site with this link

    Then hit it again with this link

    The results that return are not the same. (Take note of the total failure on the second link for all audio support as as total failure on html5 web 2.0 forms.)

  14. R H


    Typo / grammar nits


    In the main page (xx), the phrase:

    support for the a selection of the

    should perhaps be

    support for a selection of the

    i.e. drop the "the"

    (2) On this page, in the section "Even Better Accuracy" (ironically), you have:

    Know how import it is that our results are accurate ...

    which, I guess, should be:

    Know how important it is that our results are accurate ...

  15. J M


    Chrome 9 & my awful typooos.

    @Daniel - thanks for the heads-up. I'm still on Chrome 8 over on the beta channel with release at Chrome 7. I'll get 9 installed on the office Mac and we'll get that bug squished.

    @Richard... ah some of my own sweet medicine. Thanks! ... All by typo's is are been fixing. I choose the headings under which I make typing errors very carefully; for their ironic value :-)


  16. D G


    A couple of inaccuracies

    IE9 most definitely does not support WebGL. I wish!

    IE9 now has support for transitions and transforms.

    By CSS Animations I'm assuming you mean transitions right...not sure why it's listed twice.

    Thanks for the work, keep it up!

  17. P Â



    Please add a test for CSS3 Media Queries support.

  18. E J


    Geo Location


    Really nice project.

    Can you tell me where can I get some info on using the GEO LOCATION feature of HTML 5? I am making a small college project and want to use it in . any help would be really great.

  19. J T



    Hi, I found a bug on the website It said that the web-browsers Opera and IE9 support border-radius, but it's only partial.

    Try a border-radius on a fieldset element, it work, but if you add the legend element, it doesn't work at all.

    Please correct it.

  20. B K


    Detail suggestion

    I'm experimenting with HTML5 and noticed that the font variant "small-caps" doesn't seem to work in Firefox inside a canvas (e.g. context.font = 'small-caps bold 36px serif'; seems to ignore the small-caps statement). It works fine however in Google Chrome. I'm not sure why this is, and I can't seem to find any reference to it, other than I see that Silverlight doesn't support font-variant. I really like your site (a lot) and it would be nice if you could add more specifics to the "Canvas Text" test to see what browsers support what. Thanks so much!

  21. M P


    Bug report (I guess)

    Input[color] is not properly recognized. Opera 11.01 (probably earlier too) has implemented this feature, but the table says it has not.

  22. A R


    Missing CSS

    The stylesheet in is missing...

    Great resource, though.

  23. d g


    forms 2.0 test

    Ehi, great resource!

    that said you should check compatibility result for Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_6; it-it) AppleWebKit/533.19.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.3 Safari/533.19.4

    forms 2.0 test is actually not accurate (lot of types are supported by safari 5.0.3 - i.e. number). didn't check the rest of the results

  24. J S


    Change Password?

    It's a really nice app, but how in the world do you change your password?

  25. N S


    Not receiving results via url

    I love your app, use it all the time but didn't realize the url may not be capturing my clients results and notifying me.

    Did you change the setup to only accept now instead?

    I hope you'll keep the setup as this is easier to tell clients over the phone I find.

    The last few people I have directed to my url have not shown up in my results and I have not received an email notification for --- please help!

  26. I C




    I think pointer-events support could be included in the CSS3/HTML5 Checklist. It is not a visual thing, but it's most helpful when designing complex layout. It's a real problem placing elements on top of each other and pointer event's are here to help.

    I've tested in FF3.6 and FF4. Chrome 8 Mac, Safari 5 mac. All already support pointer events. I didn't have the time to test in other browsers and devices tough.

    Useful links:

  27. f s


    if you removed the td padding then i could see an entire table at once. also, i think you should differentiate between "custom" support (-webkit-gradient) and HTML5 support (gradient).

  28. N L



    Hey Guys!

    I'm from Hungary.

    I can't follow FindMeByIP on facebook.

    Best Regards.

  29. Y H


    Inconsistent results between mobile device and report

    This is a great service. I think if people would even pay monry (subscription) to get this info. owever, when I tired hitting the web site using my iPhone, iPad, Blackberry Bold, Samsung Galaxy Droid, Droid Eirs phone 2.1, and HTC HD Phone 7, i get th results on each device and they seem to be accurate. However, when looking at "My results" on my PC to gather all the results from all the devices I used, there is huge discrepancies between what I see in the browser on the device and what the "My Results" show for that device's browser. I tried this so many times and same inconsistent results. Any idea or suggestion on how to get those results to be the same? This would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

  30. D O



    How about Firefox 4?

  31. M B


    when did support begin

    Your list for HTML5 Video Codecs says Chrome 9 and 10. Does this mean 8 didn't support video?

  32. d z


    not my ip

    the /litmus/ is reporting the wrong IP for me, but homepage is correct

  33. P S


    ENH: Filtering & Stats

    First I would like to say thanks for this excellent service.

    One enhancement would be to add filtering.

    For example It would be great to filter out browsers that have less than x percentage of the market.

    Another would be to click a don't show this browser version at the top to see just the ones you are most interested in.

    Stats Under the Browser version would be cool. So Under IE 8 you would see their Market share.

    Then To the far right of the tables you could show what percentage of the market currently supports that feature. This would be the sum of the individual browser/versions market shares.

    This would almost be a Danger level for that feature.

    Now if there was a javascript tool that worked around the issue for older browsers in a consistent way, then it would be cool to see the new percentage of "Market Support" if you used that tool.

    Thanks for listening and for the great service.

  34. B R


    iPad support

    findmebyip is very fine service ... but the cool navigation doesn't work on iPad Safari. Okay it works - but after each click the Position of the nav moves out of the viewport. go go go fix it please ;)

  35. J B


    Reports not remembering everything


    This is a great diag tool for seeing what clients have, but I tried on myself for a couple of reports. Though it seems to remember the UA and IP related info, all the rest is left with the "unsupported" red cross in the report, despite having the support when given the result (either by the URL or by testing directly)

    You can look up reports under the account "jaxx"

    Probably just a glitch, but in case, I let you know :-)

    Keep it up!

  36. J T


    2011 latest data

    This data is tremendously useful. Is it possible to update the chart with the latest data for 2011?


  37. C L



    Perhaps have it IPv6-accessible and list the IPv6 address of the client?

  38. D O


    Chrome for Mac

    Why don't you include Chrome for the Mac?

    (Or Firefox 5.0 for the Mac)

  39. n t


    Maxthon 3 isn't recognized.

    It says it's Safari instead of Maxthon 3.1.3. Please fix it!

  40. T L


    Firefox 5 browser addition

    It'll be great to append FF 5 into the list.

  41. C H


    Logon details

    Thanks for this great tool!

    It would be nice if you could change your password and edit that kind of "account" details..

  42. K K


    awesome chart, when's the next update?

    Could use a refresh for some new browsers, FF5 for Win & Mac, Chrome 11 & 12 for Win & Mac.

  43. D M


    Sign up bug

    I'm trying to sign up and my user name checks out with the inline validation, but then I submit the form and it ways the name "Shiny Sprocket" is already in use. Shame - this is just the tool I need right now to get browser details from a client.

  44. K E



    I clicked on you leave a comment button and it did not take me to the end of the page just moved a little. But everything else seems fine so thanks.

  45. D O



    How about Firefox 5 or 6? Or Chrome 13 for the Mac?

  46. B B


    You guys rock

    Thanks for doing this and making it free!

  47. J G


    Plug-in Infos

    What be really cool, if you could implement Plug-in Infos like Silverlight, Flash, Quicktime, Java etc.

  48. M W


    Amazing Job!!

    Guys this is incredibly amazing, so useful and easy to use, looks great and works great! So so impressed really great job!

  49. B B



    This is such a useful resource! Have it bookmarked and return to it consistently.

    Would love to see it updated!