Google Analytics Goal Conversion

Making Google Analytics Goal Conversion figures more meaningful! A bookmarklet to convert conversion percentages to actual values.

Last Update: Monday, January 2011

  • [v1.2] Fixed: Handling of few goals.
  • [v1.1] Fixed: Handling of numbers > 999 (with commas)
  • [-] Added: Source of the link for Chrome users...

Google Goal Conversion Values

Google Analytics Goal Conversion analysis is great... but on thing that annoys me slightly is that it only shows conversion as a percentage of clicks.

Personally I'd like to see actual values..

Consider: you send out a mailshot and 480 people click on link A and 76 on link B.

Google Analytics tells you that 3.54% of clicks on A were converted to sales compared to 23.85% of clicks on B.

Personally I think that information isn't immediately valuable... We I'd like to see is that really 17 people were converted from click A and 18 folk from click B.

Browser Bookmarklet: Google Analytic Goal Conversion

So we've built a little bookmarklet to convert the data on the page from percentages to numbers.

Using the bookmarklet is simple.

  1. Bookmark the link above and put it somewhere handy...
  2. Go to Google Analytics » Traffic Sources » Keywords (as an example)
  3. Click on the "Goal Conversion" tab to see Conversions versus Keywords
  4. Click the Bookmark!

Chrome Users

For some reason Chrome doesn't like to let you add that bookmark... so here's the source for you to make your bookmarklet with.  Instructions are slightly different therefore for Chrome:

  1. Open this page in Chrome
  2. Copy the source code below
  3. Hit Ctrl+Shift+B to open the Bookmark Manager
  4. Select the "Bookmarks Bar" folder, or other folder of your choice, in the left hand panel.
  5. Click "Organize" and choose "Add Page..."
  6. Give your bookmarklet a name like "Goal Values"
  7. Paste the stuff you've copied from below into the "URL" field.
  8. ... and you're good to go.  Navigate to a Goal Conversions page and click yuor link... ( Ctrl+B to reveal the Bookmarks Toolbar in Chrome by the way...   or have a look at all the Chrome shortcuts here )

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Responses. (9)

  1. Not working correctly?

    I keep seeing "NaN" instead of the actual figures for certain stats? any ideas? Thanks.

    Great idea by the way....

  2. J M


    Fixed - v 1.1

    Hi Paul,

    Should be fixed.  The NaN's were caused by the javascript no parsing numbers > 999 ( ie 1,234 ) that have commas in them.  

    You'll need to delete the bookmark and re-bookmark the link in the article above.

    Let me know if that solves it.

    All the best,


  3. Fixed!

    Thanks Jim

    Working really well now - it's a great tool.


  4. K D


    Doesn't work

    Doesn't work in my Firefox. Tried clicking it and it only converted the first one. Also, when working, can it be sorted based on the actual values?

  5. J M


    @kenneth - more info please...

    Odd. I can't replicate the problem but would like to fix it..

    Could you let me know:

    - What error there is (if any). If you run firebug could I have the console output?

    - How many goals you're tracking and high the values get...

    The sorting would be great wouldn't it. It's very annoying that it doesn't. The problem is that unless you're looking at all of your results it would be inaccurate.


  6. J M


    Fixed / Update

    This bookmarklet has been updated to fix a few odd bugs... should now work throughout GA - not just in goals - so works, for instance, with bounces.

  7. M C


    Awesome functionality

    This has been the bane of our lives - manually calculating convernsion numbers against keywords - why isn't this built into GA????

    Many thanks for this - works fine for me. The only thing I can't do is then sort the conversions column by numbers. Are you expecting this to disable that ability at this point?

  8. J M



    Fab that you're finding it useful!

    Agree with you about the sorting. The GA sort (while done through js/ajax) goes back to the server which removes our results so I tend to sort first and then hit the bookmark. Still not ideal.. I'll have a tinker and see if I can improve it.

    Cheers, J.

  9. P P


    PHP Programmer

    Its really perfect way to create Goolge goal conversion. I say thanks for this.