Quickly find your clients' IP address and HTML5 and CSS3 browser support

FindMeByIP.com updated! Send a URL to your clients to find their IP address and check their browser support for HTML5 and CSS3 features.

Quickly find your clients' IP address and HTML5 and CSS3 browser support


Since the launch of FindMeByIP.com we've received some really great feedback from everybody. You've let us know how we could improve the service and it's provided a great insight into the kind of problems web designers run into on a day to day basis.

Retrieving Client's Browser Information

For me one problem really stood out above all others - the need to find out what browser your client is running.

We've all been there. The client rings up to tell you there's a bug on their site. You ask "What browser are you using?" but they don't have a clue. You then spend ages explaining to your client how they can find out their browser details.Tedious!

We set out to solve this problem...

The Solution

We've taken the original FindMeByIP.com engine and added the ability to run reports on your clients' browser environment.

To get detailed reports you simply:

  1. Sign Up for an account
  2. Send your client a dedicated (and customisable) URL (eg: findmebyip.com/my-company-name)
  3. Receive complete FindMeByIP reports on their browser and system environment.

It really couldn't be easier!

What Information will I get?

You'll get a full report on your client's:

  • Browser version
  • Operating System
  • Browser support for [a selection of] HTML5 and CSS3 features
  • Full User Agent String

We're adding new tests all the time so watch this space for:

  • Plugin detection (Flash...etc)
  • Screen/Window resolution detection.
  • CSS3 selector tests.
  • Extra HTML5 tests.

Let us know what you think

Think we've missed something? Found a bug? We'd really like to hear from you. Just leave a comment on this article and we promise to get back to you.

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Responses. (2)

  1. J M


    Email Alerts

    For what it's worth we'm very concious that the email alerts can be a little annoying if you're getting lots of people going to your page. We're trying to tune them so that they are both immediate for one-off results and infrequent when you're getting lots of results.

  2. G C


    Can't we delete the tags

    Hi, Can't we delete the tags? There are some tags which I used for testing purpose only.