Some things to listen to...

Some podcast recommendations - in case there weren't enough on the web already!

It's -5° outside... so while my fingers thawI thought I 'd jot down a list of podcasts I'm currently listening to on my way into work....

Web & Tech

  • Boagworld - slightly off the wall but fun an interesting...  David recommended these guys to me. It's an hour long show from Paul Boag & Marcus Lillington.  Full of useful insights & some interesting interviews..  the first show I listed to, for example, had an interview with Joe Stump from Digg about web scalability.

BBC, History & Comedy

Most of the rest of what I'm listening to comes from the BBC at the moment.  Quick list for now because I must get on...

  • FOOC - From our own correspondent is a weekly collection of short reports from the BBCs foreign correspondents.  Always interesting, insightful and simply different to the normal homogonised and sanitised drivel that you get on the news.  A definate must.
  • In our Time - A slightly random Radio 4 (Wed 10am?) show hosted by Melvyn Bragg and discussing odd bits of history, science, politics and philosophy with a few experts.  Always pretty interesting; previous topics in the past few weeks include 'The Great Fire of London', 'Heat (the history of the concept of thermal energy - seriously, for an hour)', 'The Great Reform Act' etc..
  • A Point of View
  • Start the week
  • Friday Night Comedy

... any recommendations are extremely welcome!

Grow your business

Find out how Deep Blue Sky can grow your business.

  1. Digital benchmark
  2. Digital roadmap
  3. Digital engineering

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