Prototypify - add Prototype.js to any website dynamically

We're big fans of the Prototype JavaScript framework. I recently found it very useful to create a bookmark which allows you to dynamically add it to any web page for testing.

Some time ago I came across jQueryify; a bookmarklet that dynamically inserts the jQuery library into any webpage. Well I came to thinking: "Why isn't there a version of this for Prototype?" After searching the net and coming up with nothing, I decided to modfy Karl's script and change it to insert Prototype instead of jQuery.

If you want to you use it as well, all you need to do is Bookmark this link (I added mine to my Bookmarks Toolbar).

One thing to note is that the script gets it's source from the Google AJAX Library, so you'll need to update the "src" value if you want to upgrade to the latest version of Prototype.

I've noticed a few bugs and issues with the script so I'm hoping to come back with a new, improved and entirely original version sometime in the near future. In the meantime please be sure to visit Karl's website and thank him for his work.

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Responses. (2)

  1. is it safe ??

    hello, i's like to know is is safe to do someting like this ? i mean it looks like XSS to me. i really wait for your reply.

    thank you

  2. D S


    Yes it's basically safe

    Hi o orcinus,

    It's really as safe as you make it.

    All it does is insert a script tag (pointing to prototype.js) just before the end body tag on any webpage.

    There's nothing malicious going on at all I can assure you.

    If you're nervous take a look at the original concept  jQueryify.

    Hope you find it useful...
