Anyone familiar with search engine optimisation will tell you that Google is a mysterious creature with many secrets. There are however some random things you can do with Google that you might not know about.
1. Type 'Atari Breakout' into Google images to play Atari Breakout Pong with random Google images.
2. Need to time your boiled eggs? Set a timer using Google. Just type in 'set timer for 13:30' and wait.
3. Search for 'Google in 1998' for a retro version of the search engine.
4. Click the microphone icon and ask Google whatever you like by voice search. Careful though, you may get sassed if you ask something rude!
5. Check out 'build with Chrome' (in association with LEGO) to build anything your heart desires using LEGO bricks.
6. Search 'Zerg rush' for a search page being eaten by O's. Click on each O three times to 'kill it'. The point? There isn't one. It's just for funsies.
7. Search 'do a barrel roll' and watch your screen oblige.
8. Chat with 'aliens' using Google Earth's Mars feature. Just type 'Meliza' into the search box once you've switched to the Mars view.
9. Track a flight by typing the airline and flight number into Google search. You can view any plane's estimated arrival time, and the terminal and gate at which it will arrive.
10. Fly using Google Earth by pressing CTRL + Alt + A (Command + Option + A for Mac), choose your aircraft and fly! Fancy an F16 Fighter Jet?
11. Search for an image on Google and retrieve results with faces only. Click 'search tools', hit 'Type' and select 'Face'. For .gifs choose the 'Animated' option.
12. If your school or office blocks certain sites, just type "" into the search box and hey presto!
13. Track packages using Google search. Type the tracking number into the search box and see exactly where your parcel is!
14. Adding a tilde (~) to your search terms will tell Google to include any related search terms or synonyms.
You're welcome.
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