Definitive IE PNG Fix

Finally! The ultimate Internet Explorer fix for displaying Alpha Transparent PNG images

After many months of searching we have finally found the ultimate solution to the perennial problem of Internet Explorer 6 not supporting Alpha Transparent PNG images. Initially posted at the method involves using a .htc hack to script IE6's behaviour, and adding the following line to your css:

img {
    behavior: url(;

What makes this method so much better is that this PNG fix also works on css background images (as well as the standard <img> tags). To download the full code please go to Hats off to Mr Turnbull for his sterling work!

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Responses. (1)

  1. PNG fixes and Google Maps

    Further to my initial post here about the definitive IE PNG fix we have discovered a potential pitfall.

    Internet Explorer fails to render the Google Map when you use the PNG Fix in the "wrong" way.

    To see my full explaination please read:

    IE PNG Fix and Google Maps