Chrome Shortcuts

Chrome has some really cute shortcuts to make surfing the net a little cuter and slicker... here's a little table for you....

Search & Navigation
Ctrl + E or K Google Search
Ctrl + L Select Full Address
Tabs & Browsing
Ctrl+ 1,2,3 Skip to Tab 1,2,3
Ctrl + T / N New Tab / Window
Ctrl/Ctrl+Shift + Tab Next/Previous Tab
Ctrl +/-/0 Bigger, Smaller, Reset Font
Ctrl + H Searchable History
Ctrl + J Searchable Download History
Ctrl + B Show/Hide Bookmarks Bar
Ctrl + Shift + B Bookmarks Manager
Ctrl + U View Source
Ctrl + Shift + L Debug Javascript
Ctrl + Shift + J Javascript Console

PS.  Yes - I'm sure they're in the documentation somewhere but I didn't rtfm :-)

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